PowerLux Fitness is a great training destination for anyone seeking an amazing workout, no bias there whatsoever. We apply the same sports performance principles to our general population training that we do for our athletes, as a fundamental belief of ours is that everyone deserves and should train like an athlete. We have trainers with vast knowledge and experience who can help you achieve any goal you have, whether it be training for a hobby, having a more active lifestyle, losing weight, etc. Our workouts are designed to have you moving your body as a unit, with functional training that builds strength, power, endurance, agility, mobility, and stability.

Our personal training programs will help make you feel strong and powerful, ready to conquer everything! You’ll find that you can do many things you never thought possible, and our goal is to help you achieve all of it. Too many people lose that “pep in their step” after a certain point, and we want to help you get that back. No matter what your goal, PowerLux Fitness is here to help! If it’s being able to snowboard again after not riding for 10 years, we can help. Or becoming a little quicker for pickleball, we got you! Even just losing weight, becoming stronger, and gaining mobility so you can feel better with your day to day life, say no more!

PowerLux Fitness’ personal training sector is very important to us. We take great pride in helping everyone reach their goals, and we want to show that it’s possible for everyone to be training in an athletic manner! Let’s get the party started!